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Anxiety vs. Depression: What’s the Difference?

Rakesh Goyal. MD

The terms ‘depressed’ and ‘anxious’ are frequently used in everyday discourse, and rightly so. Both are common emotions that arise in reaction to high-stakes or possibly dangerous events (in anxiety’s case) or disappointing, sad events (in depression’s case). The connection between these emotions and the clinical symptoms that go along with them, such as mood and anxiety disorders, are complicated and distinctive.

Anxiety can make people feel isolated and lead to avoidance. This avoidance can lead to a lack of joyful experiences, contributing to a low mood. Others may have a completely different experience. When someone experiences major anxiety, they may lack the energy to accomplish what they usually like or want to pursue. Knowing the differences between both emotions and determining the severity of the conditions will help you decide how to improve your mood.

Anxiety’s Mental Health Markers

People with anxiety may:

· Worry about future events, whether they’re in a few days or years.

· Have intrusive thoughts about everything going wrong.

· Avoid events that could generate anxiety to keep their thoughts from becoming overwhelming.

· Fixate on death or prolonged sickness, especially if they have health anxiety.

These mental signs can differ based on the severity of the anxiety. For example, a person with GAD (generalized anxiety disorder) may be concerned about a wide range of topics and situations. Someone experiencing SAD (social anxiety disorder) is more likely to be afraid of negative feedback or rejection from others, as well as meeting new people or engaging in other socially stressful circumstances.

A man suffering from depression and anxiety

Depression’s Mental Health Markers

People living with depression may:

· Be pessimistic, believing that nothing good will happen to them or others in the future.

· Due to despondency, believe it is pointless to strive to think or feel differently.

· Feel useless, as if who they are and what they do is unimportant.

They may think that their life isn’t worth living or that one is a burden to others. Suicidal ideas can be more particular in cases of mild to severe depression. These kinds of thoughts are common in people with MDD (major depressive disorder) and can last for weeks at a time.

Physical Differences between Depression and Anxiety

The physical signs of anxiety and depression can be tiring for the person suffering from them.


The physical signs of anxiety can be described as heightened alertness in general. The following are common distinct characteristics:

· Concentration problems due to racing and agitating thoughts.

· Insomnia due to overwhelming thoughts.

· Gastrointestinal problems (like nausea or constipation).

· Increased blood pressure and heart rate. 

· Breathing problems.

· Tension in the muscles.


Variations in normal physical functions are mainly defined by depression.

· Memory, concentration, and focus problems as a result of ruminative mental processes or physical problems

· Energy deficiency.

· Slower speech or movement.

· A large rise or decrease in appetite.

· Insomnia or hypersomnia.

· Aches and pain in the body without any known cause.

If you have taken anti-depressants and anti-anxiety medications and still feel no change, we can help. At Ketamine Wellness Medical Practice, we offer treatments such as Depression Ketamine treatment, Ketamine treatment for anxiety, Bipolar disorder Ketamine treatment, PTSD Ketamine treatment, and OCD Ketamine treatment. Get in touch with us today! 


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