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Ketamine treatment may help alleviate Postpartum depression symptoms.

Rakesh Goyal. MD

Ketamine Treatment for Postpartum Depression

Postpartum depression (PPD) is a serious mental health disorder that can adversely impact the health of pregnant women as well as the newborn. It can start during pregnancy or in the year following childbirth. Mothers with pre-existing depression or anxiety are at increased risk of developing PPD. Globally, around 18% of women may experience PPD. It is important to note that PPD is different from the ‘baby blues", with more intense symptoms. Ketamine infusions offer a safe and rapid acting fix to this problem.

Signs and symptoms of Postpartum depression can include depression, intense mood changes, excessive crying, withdrawal from social activities, reduced appetite, insomnia, and difficulty connecting with the baby. These can lead to serious consequences for the new mother, including a lack of self-confidence and feeling incapable of caring for their infant. The mother-baby bond may be affected, leading to difficulties in breastfeeding. Research has shown that children of mothers who experience antenatal or postnatal depression may have developmental delays.

Zulresso has been approved by FDA for postpartum depression but unfortunately, it ha to be administered in the hospital setting and has unknown newborn safety profile with breastfeeding. It is expensive but is covered by majority of the insurances. However, Most families end up paying big fat hospital bill due to lengthy stay.

Ketamine Infusion therapy does not require hospital stay. Mother and family can bond with the newborn baby in the comfort of their home. Ketamine has favorable side effect profile and can cause rapid (sometimes within hours) resolution of depressive symptoms. Rapid improvement can boost mother's self-confidence and positively affects newborn health.

Discover why Ketamine Wellness Medical Practice is the top choice for receiving ketamine infusions .

At our practice, each ketamine infusion is patient-tailored and closely administered and monitored by our highly experience ketamine specialists. Mothers have the option of receiving ketamine therapy in the evening and also over the weekends when she can have adequate help to take care of her baby at home.

Most mothers usually don't require maintenance ketamine sessions beyond couple of months.

Ketamine Wellness Medical Practice in NY highly encourages intravenous ketamine therapy for postpartum depression. Feel free to ask for
free consultation if you or someone you know are struggling with post partum depression.

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