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Reasons Why Ketamine Infusions Can Help You Deal With PTSD

Rakesh Goyal. MD

If you are suffering from Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) or Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), you might be interested in learning more about a new treatment option. An emerging treatment being used to treat PTSD is called low-dose ketamine infusions, and it has amazing results for those dealing with these conditions.

If you or a loved one suffer from PTSD, you might want to look into ketamine treatments by Ketamine Wellness Medical Practice. Ketamine infusion therapy can be an excellent option to help you or your loved ones cope with PTSD symptoms.

Ketamine affects the NMDA glutamate receptor

Ketamine therapy alters how one brain chemical, glutamate, interacts with another brain chemical, NMDA receptor. Glutamate acts on NMDA receptors to create feelings of pain, pleasure, learning, and memory. This interaction is essential for normal brain function.

NMDA receptors are located in many areas of the brain, including the prefrontal cortex (PFC), which plays a role in decision making and regulating emotions and other regions involved in memory.

Ketamine has been shown to block a specific type of glutamate receptor called NMDA receptors in the PFC, which helps reduce feelings of fear and anxiety experienced by those with PTSD.

It helps with emotional numbing and flashbacks, which causes panic attacks, insomnia, depression, and more

Ketamine is not just a party drug or a harmless animal tranquilizer. It is also a powerful FDA approved medication that can numb patients to the effects of depression and other emotional traumas.

Ketamine provides relief from PTSD in many ways. It works by blocking the replaying of traumatic memories over and over in your mind, and it also changes the brain’s response to fearful stimuli. While most people with PTSD cannot undergo therapy or move forward with their lives, ketamine treatment allows them to begin healing by bringing relief and hope.

It can reduce the feelings of stress, fear, and anxiety so that you can start to move on with your life

Ketamine is a medication that can reduce anxiety and depression. It is used as an anesthetic during surgical procedures and can also help with pain management. The effects of ketamine are usually noticeable within 20-40 minutes of use, and they can last for hours to days.   

Treating chronic stress with ketamine has been shown to improve moods and reduce the symptoms of depression. In low doses, ketamine can produce a feeling of euphoria that some people may enjoy. However, ketamine can cause hallucinations, dissociation, and delirium in high doses.

It can put a dent in some of the avoidance behaviors that keep you caught up in negative emotions

Treating PTSD can be difficult because avoidance is an ingrained part of how people cope with their symptoms. Fortunately, there is some good news: recent research shows that ketamine can put a dent in some of the avoidance behaviors that keep people caught up in their negative thoughts and emotions. This work has been done in small samples of patients with PTSD, but the results are promising; they suggest that ketamine might be helpful when added to a more traditional form of PTSD treatment (cognitive behavioral therapy, or CBT).

Ketamine infusions for PTSD

For many PTSD sufferers, taking ketamine treatment for PTSD and undergoing regular ketamine infusions can help them overcome their symptoms. This is a great alternative to medications like Paxil and Prozac, often ineffective in treating PTSD. To learn more about how Ketamine Infusions for PTSD work, or if you’re interested in starting treatment with us, contact us today.

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