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Top Benefits of Ketamine Treatment

Rakesh Goyal. MD

Initially, ketamine was used for veterinary treatments. However, for the past few years, it's been approved for human use after its therapeutic benefits were discovered. Let's explore some of the top benefits of ketamine treatments. 

Improving Depression Symptoms

Depressed girl's back

Depression is one of the most common mental disorders that can cause depressive episodes, suicidal thoughts, eventually leading to suicidal attempts if not diagnosed and treated immediately. Generally, doctors recommend depression patients to opt for oral antidepressants and various physical and mental therapies to overcome depression.

However, ketamine treatments in the form of intravenous infusions can be  used as an effective treatment for depression. Ketamine treatments has a quicker response rate in just 1 to 2 weeks. In some cases, it can also show favorable effects within 24 to 48 hours. 

Ketamine Treatment for Bipolar Disorder

Did you know about 26% of Americans suffer from bipolar disorder? These statistics can be alarming for us.

Bipolar disorders cause extreme variations in a person’s mood, energy, etc. Luckily, one of the most crucial benefits ketamine treatment is the ability to improve bipolar disorders’ symptoms. Numerous studies indicate that ketamine can help alleviate and control bipolar disorder symptoms, which is why many medical practices such as Ketamine Wellness Medical Practice have started offering ketamine treatment.

Stress and Chronic Pain Management

Ketamine has several health benefits, including pain reduction and sensations of serenity and ease. Esketamine (an FDA-approved version of Ketamine) is well-known in helping the brain deal with stress more efficiently. When a person feels stressed, the brain undergoes many biochemical changes.

This is sensed in the hippocampus and prefrontal cortex, among other parts. Memory, emotion, personality development, and behavior are all regulated by these areas. The structural changes are mitigated by ingesting Ketamine, which stimulates synaptic development in the affected brain areas. Moreover, Ketamine's analgesic and sedative properties make it extremely useful in treating chronic pain.

Ketamine Treatment for Anxiety

A common and perhaps vital benefit of ketamine treatments is improving anxiety symptoms. Anxiety is a common disorder prevalent in adults and children too. Low levels of glutamate and Gamma-Aminobutyric Acid (GABA) can produce depression, excessive levels of glutamate, and low levels of GABA can lead to anxiety.

As previously stated, these are the biochemical changes that occur in the brain, and Ketamine aids in balancing these levels. Anxiety disorders are mostly treated with oral medications like benzodiazepines and generic antidepressants. When patients fail to respond to standard drugs, Ketamine used as an effective therapy option.

Get in Touch With Ketamine Wellness Medical Practice for IV Ketamine Infusion Therapy!

Considering the numerous benefits ketamine treatment offers, it's safe to say it can help you out with many medical conditions you're facing. Whether you're looking for ketamine therapy for OCD, depression, or bipolar disorder, get in touch with our Ketamine Wellness Practice 

Ketamine Wellness Medical Practice also offers ketamine treatment for anxiety, postpartum depression, PTSD, chronic refractory pain, migraines, and much more.

Schedule a free consultation right away to learn about your IV ketamine infusion therapy.

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